Dreamfuel's Octane Leadership Cohort
Thrive Under Pressure

The Mental Performance Program for Tech Leaders


Tailored to address the specific mental performance challenges faced by tech leaders, founders, and CEOs


76% of tech leaders lose 20 hours of productivity per week.

Get more done Monday than most do in a week.

At Dreamfuel, we train tech leaders
to build an elite-level mindset and consistently
thrive under pressure to win every day.

Hear from them directly:
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We help you win using
neuroscience and technology

Designed to combat productivity slumps that plague nearly half of tech leaders, our Octane Cohort offers research-backed strategies to boost productivity and train your mind to maintain a flow state, even in times of stress

Conquer Challenges

Conquer Challenges

Arm yourself with twelve transformative mindsets and precision tools meticulously crafted to optimize cognitive functions.
Elevate Your Brain's Performance

Elevate Your Brain's Performance

Cultivate unwavering neural resilience as Octane becomes your indispensable neuroscientific guide.

Uncover the Strategies to Help You Succeed

Tech leadership comes with its fair share of pressures: raising funds, juggling work-life balance, and prioritizing tasks can feel like an uphill battle. We get it. That's why our cohort is uniquely designed to address the stressors that weigh on tech leaders. 
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    Maximize Time Efficiency and Productivity

    Dive into neuroscience-backed strategies tailored to supercharge cognitive functions, enabling you to harness time with unparalleled efficiency. Seamlessly prioritize tasks, sustain focus, and reside consistently 'in the zone,' unlocking heightened productivity and mastering the art of time utilization.
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    Tailored Solutions for Tech Founders

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    Accelerate Decision-Making Prowess

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    Forge Effective Leadership and Empower Teams

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    Propel Long-Term Business Sustainability

Tech leaders powered by Dreamfuel consistently break through the invisible problem

Steve Travaglini
CRO Linksquares
“Your mindset is your reality”
Your mindset is your reality. Dreamfuel teaches you to control both. LinkSquares broke every record in Q4 2020, best quarter, best month, top rep performances, etc. This was the first quarter we invested in mindset coaching with Dreamfuel. Everything we achieved, we visualized 3 months prior.
Max Yoder
Advisor & Investor
Max served as CEO and Co-Founder of Lesson.ly, which was acquired by Seismic in 2021. In 2019, Max published a book called Do Better Work, which explores eight ways anyone can be a better teammate. It is an Amazon #1 bestseller in the Business Teams and Workplace Behavior categories.
David DeRam
CEO, Greenlight Guru
What does unstoppable energy look like? What does a billion dollar mindset look like? And what would it mean if you could hold that mindset and that energy in all situations? What would that be worth? That's mindset coaching, and that's what Dreamfuel has taught me how to do.
Vishal Sunak
CEO, Linksquares
Every goal I've visualized with Dreamfuel has come true. And you've gotta believe at some level it's not a coincidence. When you get the subconscious mind working for you, things tend to work out!

Client Success Stories

Vishal Sunak

CEO, Linksquares

Every goal I've visualized with Dreamfuel has come true. And you've gotta believe at some level it's not a coincidence. When you get the subconscious mind working for you, things tend to work out!

David DeRam

CEO, Greenlight Guru

What does unstoppable energy look like? What does a billion dollar mindset look like? And what would it mean if you could hold that mindset and that energy in all situations? What would that be worth? That's mindset coaching, and that's what Dreamfuel has taught me how to do.

Rachel Downey

Founder & Executive Producer

I signed up because I felt my brain needed rewiring. I started to face the same problems over and over again and was not quite sure how to get outside the box of my mind. After one conversation with Kevin, I knew he could help me rewire my brain, break bad habits, and think more abundantly.

The mindset course helped me get off the roller coaster ride of emotions many entrepreneurs or high performers face. I went from feeling the highs and the lows to being able to shift into neutral. Simple practices like daily design, gratitude journaling and breathing exercises have become part of my life.

The course has helped me succeed in significant ways. After my course, dreams that I had written off no longer felt impossible. Instead, I was able to take my mindset practice and start implementing ways of realizing endless possibilities. Two things I visualized have since come to fruition: 1. Being acquired to fuel business growth, 2. working on a feature-length film with a red carpet debut. I genuinely believe that I am limitless, the future is full of opportunity, and the more you add, the more you expand. That level of thinking is the result of the work done with Dreamfuel. I am forever grateful.

Brian Zapf

Founder & CEO

I was working long hours at a grueling management financial consulting job and feeling burnt out. I dreamed of launching my own business but couldn't see a way to go full time as an entrepreneur on an unproven venture. I was also planning a wedding and balancing the demands of family life with two daughters.

My sister raved about the mindset work Dreamfuel had done with her and her colleagues, so I reached out to Kevin Bailey and enrolled in Dreamfuel's MindFit180 program. It was well worth the money, time, and effort. The skills I learned, and the community I gained, gave me the confidence and consistent flow state I needed to leave my day job and launch my own business, while balancing the demands and stresses of life. I still practice the techniques almost daily and feel off on the days I miss them. If you commit and do the work, this program can help make your dreams a reality.

Jon Speer


What an amazing opportunity and gift I've been given to get the opportunity to work with Dreamfuel. There's a lot of things going on in the world that can cause a lot of emotional ups and downs on a daily basis. And through mindset coaching, I'm able to keep a smooth and stable mindset while being a founder of a high-growth company.

Nick Wagner

Co-Founder & COO

As a startup founder, it often feels like I'm juggling 12 completely different things and there are 15 different fires I have to put out. What's great about Dreamfuel's mindset training is it really impacts every single one of them.

Beau Browning


I signed up because my wife’s own personal mindset journey intrigued me. She was diligent in utilizing techniques to sharpen her mental focus and harness inner calmness and I felt it could benefit me in both business and home life. It first helped me with gratitude for all we have in this life and it has flourished into a way to manage anxiety and stress. The course taught me the importance of daily mental exercise and has allowed me to be a better husband, father and leader.

Jake Doll

VP of PR

I started with Dreamfuel in July 2020. The chaos of COVID-19, the upcoming US election and uncertainty at work sent me spiraling. With Dreamfuel's help, I was able to get on back track with mediation and mindfulness practices to what matters and work towards my goals. Wrapping up with the program, I feel like a completely different person; I've received a promotion and am confident that I have the tools and resources to continue growing.

Vaughn Crapser

Partnerships Director

Working with Dreamfuel has been one of the more impactful things that I've done for my personal and professional life. The exercises I've learned have helped me to be more intentional with my life, energy, and time. I finally feel like I'm playing offense more often than defense. I highly recommend Dreamfuel if you are ready to take the next step and live with more awareness and intention in your life!

Dora Lutz

Founder & President

The opportunity to work with Dreamfuel gave me the opportunity to dream bigger than I usually dare, to visualize what that experience would be like, and take confident steps to bring it to life. I'd recommend Dreamfuel to anyone who is stuck and needs help bringing their career or business into a place of purpose and impact.

Andrew Ramos

Account Executive

Dreamfuel has had an immense role in my professional development. Mindset coaching has done wonders for me, allowing me to achieve higher levels of success while silencing my inner critic. I cannot thank Kevin and Dreamfuel enough for the passion, guidance & support that the team has provided to me.

Joe Mills

Business Development

Dreamfuel has given me an increased level of self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Getting more clarity about what I want from my life led me to successfully exit my business. That has had a huge impact on my life, work, and happiness.

I now consistently spend time on mental fitness each day. I also have been able to find more play in my life, which is hard for me and requires commitment. I recognize so many more of my own issues, which allows me to address them prior to them causing me problems. The biggest difference, no doubt, is that I sold my gym (my prior business) largely as an outcome of getting to know myself better, which is a direct outcome of this class. 

Casey Bolsega

Head of Partnerships

Kevin worked with me to strengthen my skills as a high performing salesperson. He helped me understand how to properly train and exercise the most important muscle in your body... YOUR MIND! Mindset coaching helped me not only land the largest contract in our company's history and achieve multiple quota-busting months after that, but also helped me adjust to becoming a father. Balance is key when practicing mindfulness.

Robert Link

Enterprise Sales Executive

Despite realizing success, I was looking for more. I wanted to change how I experienced personal and professional challenges and shift my mindset to become a better version of myself (professionally and with relationships). Having gone through many professional and sales development trainings, I was looking for something different that would help me break through the comfort zone and status quo I'd created for myself. Mindset coaching helped me cultivate more internal motivation, calming my inner critic, mindfullness, self compassion, better understanding what motivates and scares me and where and who I want to be. The course improved my health, relationships, and overall mindset. I know what I want and have a whole set of new tools that work for me to help me

Brittanie Campbell

Account Executive

Knowing how to really control my subconscious mind has been something that Dreamfuel has taught me. It really is remarkable how it helps your career, but more than just your career, it helps your day to day life.

Andrew Ramos

Account Executive

Just looking at my straight up sales numbers. They've gone up a tremendous amount since working with Dreamfuel. It's really helped my career.

Ready to level up
your performance?

Who we work with:

Tech<br> Leaders


Tech<br> Founders


Entrepreneurs & Driven Individuals

Entrepreneurs & Driven Individuals

Meet Your Coaches

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Anna Heiny
Co-Founder & SVP of Operations
Performance Coach
8x All-American, Former Pro Athlete
Neuroscience degree, Notre Dame
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Nick Smarrelli
Performance Coach
MA, Organizational Psychology, Harvard
2x Tech Exits
10x Inc. 5000 Growth Leader
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Alex Easby
Performance Coach
Tech Founder, Edge Performance Software
MA, Sport & Performance Psychology, University of Denver
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Kevin Bailey
Co-Founder and CEO
3x Inc. 500 tech startup founder
1x Tech Exit
Applied Neuroscience PG Cert, King’s College
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Marek Shon
Performance Coach
3x Founder & Speaker
Taken company public
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Jon Speer
Perfomance Coach
Tech Founder, Greenlight Guru 
Serial Entrepreneur & Investor
1x Tech Exit
Neuroscience PG Cert, Harvard

Client Success Stories

Founder, Rachel Downey, shares how Dreamfuel helped her visualize and successfully exit her last company while maintaining a strong mindset.

Founder and COO, Nick Wangler, shares how Dreamfuel helped him find focus, discipline and accountability within a community of like-minded individuals.

Connor Kinsela, Director of Sales Development, discusses how visualization exercises helped him prepare for a big event. 

Marketing executive, Kyle Galle, explains how Dreamfuel helped him adjust to being a new dad and being present in all areas of his life.

Founder, Rachel Downey, discusses how Dreamfuel helps high performers build scalable, sustainable careers and succeed long term.

Hypergrowth companies we work with
